Scorpio Moon
Tonight’s Scorpio Moon is our invitation into the Underworld
Its luminescence converging with Friday’s Samhain,
where the stone gates groan open
and usher us into the earth.
We enter the underworld each time we
dim the light of our conscious, rational mind;
Allowing our eyes to adjust to the
Deeper animal knowing of our bodies.
We enter the underworld when we attune our awareness
to the symphonic movement
of sensation and emotion,
That guides us faithfully back
towards what we’ve been running from.
For there’s only so long
that we’re permitted to travel
Untethered from the body’s wisdom.
Only so long we can drift
Amidst visions of what we think we should do and be;
Dizzying ourselves in the pursuit of logic and meaning;
And evidence to affirm our judgments and assumptions.
Until we meet the resistance.
The parts of those that would defy our tidy projections.
The places in ourselves we can’t breathe into
The places that we won’t allow another’s tender touch.
And it’s here that we eventually tire
From treading the waters of our suffering and confusion;
Here where we finally permit
the exhalation
that allows us to sink
back downwards
In surrender
Into the murky depths
That hold the unknowable truth of Ourselves
And the boundlessness of the Other.
Back down into the body,
Who held the quiet truth all along;
Cradled amongst frozen expressions and impulses
And fragments of Self,
Entombed like precious metals
From which we may forge
A new truth and potential