Dark Moon in Aries


Today brought first New Moon of the Astrological year.

And with it,
We take that auspicious first step.

A step that is emboldened by the Aries energy
and planted firmly in pursuit of what we desire
from this new cycle.

Despite the inevitable vigour and innocence
That accompanies every new beginning,
There is little foolhardiness about this Moon.

For us in the Southern Hemisphere,
We are beginning our Hero/Heroine’s journey.
And Pluto is anchoring us into the shadow realm;

Into the echoes of the past,
That offer us their congruence
In whispers that our body heeds,
Even when our conscious Will
would turn away from them.

“When I turn my back away
from what I cannot bear,
my life is lost to me”
- Lorie Eve Dechar

For when we deny our darkness,
We deny our authenticity;
And our true potency.

And with it,
the transformative alliance that it offers
Our hopes and ambitions.

With this Moon,
If we can breathe ourselves open
Into our body’s wisdom -

Her full spectrum of pain and pleasure -

We can bring a sense of deep rootedness
to unite with the eagle-eyed vision
that Mars & Jupiter are offering.

So that we may each step forward
with Our innermost Self.


Scorpio Moon


A touch of Spring amidst our Autumn Journey