Full Moon in Libra
Today’s Moon supports us to return to what we value most.
By its illumination, we feel deeply
the voids that are crying out to be filled.
And the resolve that pulls us towards them.
So often it is through the mirror of The Other,
That we come to understand who we are
And what we value most.
This is the gift of the Aries – Libra axis
How we seek to be met
How we desire to love
What we most deeply hunger for
Are all reflective of our values.
And yet so often those we love most
offer us their love and support
in the form of their own.
If we have strayed too far towards another,
The Aries energy of this moon
may ignite the flame of sacred anger
that will guide us back
To where we have been left wanting;
To the parts of self we may have departed,
in order to meet a reflected ideal,
that was never ours to begin with.
This Moon is a beautiful complement to the medicine of Autumn
A season when that which is no longer essential,
falls away
Revealing a refinement of self and purpose.
- Where am I feeling the pang of what is missing?
- How is this revealing what is most important to me?
- Is my life – my energy and my commitments - reflecting the depth of this value?
- How can I look beyond my own value lens, and the pain of my longing, to receive the diversity love and support that surrounds me?