Summer Solstice
This year’s solstice is an incredibly powerful event,
coinciding with the planetary meeting of Saturn and Jupiter.
Here in the Southern Hemisphere,
Solstice marks the beginning of our Summer
The season of Fire.
We are entering the most Yang time in our elemental journey
Autumn brought the necessary surrendering of old ways.
Winter cocooned us, as we sought vision and inspiration from
within our darkness.
Spring urged forth the unfurling of our new inner direction.
Now, Fire Season heralds our flowering,
into the robust fullness of our heart’s creative expression.
The rare conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter throws its potent weight behind
our stride across the Solstice threshold;
A step that we have been readied for,
through the upheavals and initiations of 2020.
Jupiter and Saturn have themselves been prepared for their Solstice union - each having met with the powerful and transformative force of Pluto.
🪐 Saturn and Pluto joined together on the 12th of January 2020.
Jupiter and Pluto met three times over the course of this year -
- 5th April
- 30th June
- 12th November
Pluto brings death
in order that something new be reborn.
Just as the cosmic greats underwent
these small, Plutonic deaths,
So too, did the archetypal energies within our own psyche.
When Pluto contacts us,
we are submerged into our depths.
We face what is hidden and held in the shadows;
The pain bound within old stories and imprints.
But in doing so, something of value is revealed to us We reclaim more of power and selfhood.
In reflection of your year,
These dates may support you to plot the co-ordinates
of your own transformational journey of 2020.
🪐 Saturn & Pluto conjunction - 12/1/2020 🪐
Around this date, how did you experience a sense of pain, loss and transformation in relationship to the archetype of Saturn?
- your sense of personal authority and justice
- your relationship to duty and commitment
- the structures in your life
- your karma (the parts of self we must take responsibility for)
- your legacy (that which you wish to impart upon the world)
💫Jupiter & Pluto conjunctions – 5/4/20, 30/6/20, 12/11/20 💫
Around these dates, how did you experience a sense of pain, loss and transformation in relationship to the archetype of Jupiter?
- the beliefs you hold about yourself and the world
- your personal truth - your sense of faith
- the vision you hold for your life
✨ How has this year of personal alchemy prepared you for the convergence of these renewed expressions of Saturn and Pluto?
This conjunction heralds a revolution, personally and collectively, As we lay renewed foundations (Saturn)
to support our new vision (Jupiter).
Questions to help forge this new chapter ahead:
- How can you reflect your commitment (Saturn) to your personal truth (Jupiter)?
- How can your boundaries (Saturn) create a container for your expansion (Jupiter)?
- How do the beliefs you hold about yourself (Jupiter) shape the sense of authority (Saturn) you hold over your life’s direction?
- How can you deepen your faith (Jupiter) in your innate ability to impart something of unique value on the world (Saturn)?
May these cosmic stirrings support you to gift more of your heart’s expression to the world