Full Moon in Gemini
We’re currently in the integration window of yesterday’s Full Moon.
It’s a lunation that punctuates the closing of a chapter,
that we have each traversed these past 3 years.
As the collective storyline has heightened through the last 12 months,
We have each felt a compounding of personal experience,
Leading up to this very moment.
This Moon is supporting us to collate and integrate;
To retrace our footsteps back across these past 3 years,
Re-visiting our personal landmarks of pain and exultation;
Threading the tiny revelations
Like pearls on a string,
To forge our own unique narrative.
We each get to write our own story.
The beliefs that we choose to hold about life,
become the frame through which we view it;
The filter by which we distil its lessons
down into the rich, crystalline essence
of our ever-deepening well of personal wisdom.
This Moon also marks the end of our journey through Spring - The Season of Wood
Wood energy supports us to not only connect to our higher truth,
But to become an architect of it;
To create a life from our unique blueprint
of beliefs and soul-deep experiences.
And this season has definitely supported us
to contact the higher truths within.
Jupiter and Saturn are inching closer to their conjunction -
A rare meeting on the 21st of December that will herald
the beginning of a new story – personally and collectively.
In the time that lays between,
Neptune continues to support our surrender
to that which is still unknown;
That instead we steady our inner compass,
With the insights gleaned from these wanderings past.
Neptune also ask that we walk gently alongside each other,
Holding the sacredness of our own story.
Not with fists clenched in righteousness,
But with an inner strength,
softened by eternal curiosity.
May we allow others the grace and freedom
To look to their own North Star;
To forge their own meaning from
within the wild, disputed territory
that still lies between.
🌕 Writing your story 🌕
- What is the chapter that you are consciously seeking closure from?
- What are themes that life has laid at your feet through this time?
- What have you been invited to confront in yourself and others?
- What higher meanings have you chosen to take from this chapter?
- How has this new wisdom informed your new sense of personal direction?
- How would you like to integrate this new wisdom moving forward?