The Axis of Truth
This Gemini full moon is like a crescendo in the closing act
of a season we’ve spent 18 months traversing.
The last moon to illuminate the axis of Gemini - Sagittarius
before the lunar nodes depart these signs
When the nodes first entered Gemini – Sagittarius back in May 2020,
most of us were catching our breath, as we surfaced from the first wave of lockdowns.
Known as the axis of Perception and Truth, as this nodal transit progressed
we’ve watched the cleaving of opinion cut deeply along previously imperceptible lines
Each person’s perspective coloured by their personal values and beliefs,
and honed by the way the pandemic grappled its unique pathway through their life;
some with the gentle breath of adaptive grace ,
some with the violence of a freight train
Gemini represents the lens of perception through which we filter the spectrum of life’s unfolding.
A lens as equally informed by the undercurrent of our unconscious, as it is by the discernment of our rational mind.
Quick-moving and adaptiv, Gemini endows us with an ability to straddle duality
Its eternal curiosity providing the perfect panacea to the hardened righteousness of Sagittarius.
Gemini brings the gift of communication - to listen in such a way that we can offer our understanding to the experience of another without needing to fully identify with their perspectives
Through this moon we are invited to tend the Gemini wound of grappling for one’s own voice - of being unheard or misunderstood.
Through the initiation of this wound we learn how to cultivate receptivity in relatedness -
to titrate our timing, pitch and intensity to respectfully enter the bounds of another’s consideration.
We also learn how to offer our voice in spaces of prejudice.
When to sustain our lonely and defiant cry, until it finds its chorus of belonging
And when to quietly tend the fire of our own knowing, stoking it’s strength and potency
And as we find our way towards balance Gemini will sometimes entrap us within our rational mind.
Self-enthroned by intellectual superiority or frozen in analysis paralysis, we find ourselves estranged from the warmth of Sagittarian faith.
True Sagittarian faith is not found behind the impenetrable veil of dogma,
but is revealed when stirring of our restless mind quietens
and the silt of our life’s unique experience settles the around steadied beating of our own heart
A revealing of refined and precious knowing, which becomes our own arrow of discernment
carving the flight path to which we align our life’s vision and purpose
By the illumination of this moon
May we each be reminded of our own arrow of discernment
And may we equally find the courage to take leave of the echo chambers of our bias
To listen respectfully to those whose flight path has diverged
into the vast terrain of existence beyond our own