Eclipse Portal
Last night the earth stepped between
the reflective dance of the sun and moon
bringing us a total lunar eclipse.
No longer illuminated by the sun’s gaze
The moon slipped back into herself,
returning to the shadowed whispers
of her sovereign truth.
There is a potent karmic pulse to this eclipse portal
Made manifest by the aid of Saturn and Mercury.
Mercury, is the winged messenger ~
His glyph a union of sol and luna
atop the cross of matter.
He carries to us
both the illumination of heaven
and the dark wisdom of the underworld
so that we may forge our own incarnated knowing.
This moon beckons we descend
from the castle in the clouds
To find that universal truth exists
not atop altars
or within the scars of the past, but
at our edges
Amidst the frontier that lies
between known and unknown
When we hold ourselves open to it all
In tender surrender.