“God is in the details” ~ Virgo refections
Virgo energy invites us
to attend the minutiae of our day
Not with contracted analysis,
But with reverence
in the knowing
that it’s the details that shape
the greater vision of our lives.
Virgo energy invites us
to attend the minutiae of our day
Not with contracted analysis,
But with reverence
in the knowing
that it’s the details that shape
the greater vision of our lives.
Like a priestess, Virgo weaves her incantations
through the most humble of daily tasks;
the posture we hold our body within
the flowers we adorn our table with
the way that we fold our clothes
the quality of presence we offer those alongside us.
Each, a prayer
our deepest integration
and potential
Not the type of potential
that’s realised through worldly striving
But the type that is alchemised
in the here-and-now
in our homes ~ in our bodies
in the places where it hurts
to slow down
and open into
Because Virgo recognises that there is no separation
between the mundane and the divine;
That the future is interwoven with the present
That it is Today
where we may sow the seeds
of our greatest insights, hopes and dreams;
Where we may tend to them
with care and commitment
The ongoing Earth trine is assisting us to see
where the daily flow of our intention and energy
is being caught;
in swirls and eddies
or damming in stagnancy.
Not so that we may take to ourselves
with the scalpel of perfectionism,
But with the gentle caress of curiosity
There is always a deeper intelligence
to the way that our body defies
our conscious demands;
to our procrastination and avoidance
our compulsions and frustrations
our perpetuated mistakes
A kind of grace hidden within
the intricate tangle of adaptiveness
that has swathed us in safety and functionality
But if we can disentangle one small thread;
And follow it beyond the immediate,
into the deepest echo of truth
that we can discern
what would it speak of?
would it inform a need
for assurance
would it soften and sway
the momentum of habitual choices
in the smallest of ways?
would it open brief moments
for something new
and quietly revolutionary?
When we change the details
We change our entire trajectory