When working with me
I use your astrological birth chart
as a map to guide our session…
For me, astrology is not a crystal ball
It does not reveal the etchings of fate
Nor does it categorise us
Or define static attributes
that we do or don’t possess.
But it can provide a beautiful illustration of the archetypal dance within our psyche.
Each of the planets and asteroids are representative of a different archetype
Each imbued with specific qualities, gifts and challenges
And their placement in our birth chart can denote our relationship to that archetype
Is it one that we express fluidly?
Is it one that we seek to find through others?
Is it one that we may gravitate towards to find safety?
Or is it an archetype that we dissociate from in self-preservation?
Despite what the more reductionistic typecasting of pop-astrology would have you believe,
We are dynamic, whole-beings
We each have the ability to cultivate a supportive, embodied relationship to all archetypes
And, when integrated in this way, they can become guides and allies in our own personal mythology.